Full Name
Priscilla Whirley
Job Title
Manager of Communications and Marketing
EMPOWER Broadband Inc.
Speaker Bio
Priscilla Whirley is the Manager of Communications and Marketing for Mecklenburg Electric Cooperative and its wholly-owned subsidiary, EMPOWER Broadband.
Whirley has 26 years of experience in the cooperative industry and has helped create, shape and implement EMPOWER’s Marketing and Communications Plans since its incorporation in 2017. Whirley was also instrumental in the marketing campaign to gain two-thirds of the memberships vote for EMPOWER’s acquisition of a local telephone cooperative serving 2,800 shared member-owners of MEC, earning the organization a 2020 Spotlight on Excellence Award. Whirley has a Master’s in Business Administration from Averett University and her BA in Marketing Communications from Mary Baldwin College.
In her spare time, she enjoys spending time with her husband Randy and their three children: Kendall, Kayla and Daryl. She also loves being a new grandmother to one-year old Baelynn Dawn and is excited to have a grandson on the way.
Priscilla Whirley