VMDAEC Associate Membership is $2,000 annually and includes the following benefits:
Click title for description
- Searchable listing included in mobile-friendly directory
- Scrolling banner ad with hyperlink
- Update information throughout the year
- Embed interactive digital ads and news releases
- Access to exclusive sponsorships for upcoming events
- Exclusive opportunities for participation/sponsorship at special events
- Company name recognized on Honor Wall in lobby
- Short video/digital graphics for digital display monitors
- Discounted registration for classes/seminars
- Discounted cost for semiannual testing
- Dielectric testing of trucks and track vehicles (ANSI standards)
- Stick testing (OSHA 1910.269(j) standard)
- Hose and blanket testing (ASTM standards)
- Grounds and jumper testing (ASTM standards)
- Inclusion in meeting promotion and signage
- Co-sponsorship of welcome reception
- Exclusive hole sponsorship opportunities
- Other exclusive sponsorship opportunities
- Exclusive opportunity to exhibit
- Advance opportunity to exhibit
- Discounted exhibitor space
- Exclusive sponsorship opportunities
- Exclusive sponsorship opportunities
- Discounted exhibitor space
- Up to five one-year, complimentary subscriptions to Cooperative Living magazine
- Discounts on display advertising in Cooperative Living
- Video, hyperlink and business description at vmdaec.com
- Right to co-brand with VMDAEC Associate Member logo
- Subscription to Connections online member publication, including opportunities to submit newsworthy items/topics
- Exclusive advertising opportunities in Connections digital member publication
- Inclusion in VMDAEC social media channels
- Register for VMDAEC-sponsored educational seminars and professional conferences at member prices