Sponsorship Opportunities for 2024 Rural Fiber Expo:

Petabit Sponsor Opportunities:

Petatbit Sponsorships Include: Recognition on the VMDABC website, Recognition on the registration site, Double-Exhibit Table in Premier Location with 4 conference registrations. 

Premier Sponsor $15,000 - SOLD

Terabit Sponsor Opportunities:

Terabit Sponsorships include: Recognition on the VMDABC website, Recognition on the registration site, exhibit table with 2 conference registrations. 

Member Dinner Sponsor $10,000 - SOLD

Name Badge Sponsor $8,000 - SOLD

Gigabit Sponsor Opportunities:

Gigabit Sponsorships include: Recognition on the VMDABC website, Recognition on the registration site, plus 2 conference registrations. 

Member Dinner Bar Sponsor $5,000- SOLD

Wednesday Opening Reception Sponsor $7,500

Thursday Breakfast Sponsor $7,500 - SOLD

Thursday Lunch Sponsor $7,500 - SOLD

Thursday Evening Reception Sponsor $7,500

Friday Breakfast Sponsor $7,500 - SOLD

Conference Bag Sponsor $5,000 - SOLD

Conference App Sponsor $5,000 - SOLD

Thursday AM Break Sponsor $5,000 - SOLD

Thursday PM Break Sponsor $5,000 - SOLD

Friday AM Break Sponsor $5,000 - SOLD

Cigar/Dessert Reception Sponsor $7,500 - SOLD

Hotel Key Folder Sponsor $4,000 - SOLD

CEO Roundtable Panel Sponsor $5,000 - SOLD

Megabit Sponsor Opportunities:

Megabit Sponsorships include: Recognition on the VMDABC website, Recognition on the registration site

AV 1 Sponsor $3,500 - SOLD

AV 2 Sponsor $3,500 - SOLD

AV 3 Sponsor $3,500 - SOLD

Lanyard Sponsor -$3,500 - SOLD

Hotel Key Folder Sponsor $2,500 - SOLD

Window Decal Sponsor $2,500 -SOLD

Floor Decal Sponsor$2,500 -SOLD

Wi-Fi Sponsor$2,000 - SOLD

Thursday Morning Breakout - $1,000 - SOLD

Thursday Morning Breakout - $1,000 - SOLD

Thursday Afternoon Breakout - $1,000 - SOLD

Thursday Afternoon Breakout - $1,000 - SOLD

Thursday Afternoon General Session $2,500 - SOLD

Friday Closing Session $2,500 - SOLD

Charging Station $2,000 - SOLD